At a time where different countries in the world are making sweeping changes to their academic system to meet up with the global trend, it is unfortunate to learn that Israel’s education system is lagging behind. According to different reports, Israel is equipping its young generation with Third World education which will make it inadequate for these children to sustain a First World economy as they grow into adults.
Studies have shown that the education system in Israel is lagging behind the rest of the world in various regards including class size in primary education, expenditure per student, and achievement in international mathematics and science tests. Like the Program for International Student Assessment tests. Based on the findings of the Recent Economic Developments report, there is a link between economic growth and the quality of education.
School Rankings And GDP
Israel’s universities still remain above average for an advanced country. There is still a high number of school graduates. However, experts predict that if the quality of education is increased by ten per cent it could lead to the growth of the per capita GDP by 2 to 3.5 per cent in the long run.
Currently, Israel statistics shows that Israelis are more educated than nearly the rest of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries but Israel’s labour productivity (GDP) remains beneath that of other OECD nations.
The only way to reconcile the anomaly in Israel’s high rate of education and low labour productivity is to look at the quality of the education. Like Abraham Lincoln said, “It is not the number of years of your education that count; it is the education in your years.
The resounding failure of the Israeli school system hinges on crowded classrooms which make it hard for the teachers to pass knowledge to the students.